Wednesday, May 18, 2016

2016 5-Step Guide to fundraising success

As we are getting into the fundraising months. We have 5 tips to help you maximize your fundraising and reach your goals for this year.

1. Get more people involved!

-Ask parents, kids, former members, and families to get involved. Use social media/text/phone/email/snail mail. We have so many ways to contact people today that we are not taking advantage of.

2. Set-up a kick-off day:

-Kick-off your fundraiser at your local "big box" retailer. Most stores offer this as a way to help the community. You can set up a stand at the entrance AND exit of most of these stores on a weekend. Most of the groups we work with that do this sell out in one weekend...

3. Pick a high profit fundraiser:

-The higher the profit the less you have to sell or ask for... Up to 90% Profit HERE

4. Do NOT sell perishable items:

-You will end up trashing or buying most of them. Instead use items that you can carry several of in your pockets or easily carry in a bag.

5. Set up territories and sale days.

-The more organized you are the higher profit you will make. You can set up your sales to be in a certain "mid-higher income" end of town that is more likely to donate.


-1st place gets cash or day off practice or a discount on dues or a free fundraising item... There are several ways to incentivize people that doesn't involve direct money.

This article was written by Matt Goodin, founder of Contact information: (423) 744-4547

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

4 reasons your kids team fails thie Spring

4 Reasons your kids team will fail this Spring

1. Parents
You are your own worst enemy. Let your kids play and have fun. Remember the best players in the history of sports only began to play "year-round" when they were in high school or older.
There will be NO, and I mean NO, kid that plays baseball on a travel Winter team when they are 8 years old making it to MLB. Little Jimmy will resent you for taking his childhood away at some point, so keep it up and you might regret it.

2. Coaching
This is not fair to coaches, and it really goes back to #1. Coaches can ONLY be as important as you let them be to your child. In most cases, they will be a majorly positive influence on your kids. They may also be the ONLY positive influence on one of your child's teammate's lives. Also, let the coach actually coach your children. So many parents want to correct what the coach says and change a technique or something because Dad watched YouTube.

3. Kids
Kids are kids. Kids need to be kids. Kids play sports for FUN, so let's let them have FUN! Some kids aren't skilled enough to play sports, but they love them anyway. They shouldn't sit the bench because they haven't been playing since they were 2... Let them have fun.

When I say the team will fail doesn't mean that you will necessarily have a losing record, maybe it means there are just a bunch of losers involved.

4. Equipment
All the other issues can be controlled with attitude and communication. This is the one item that takes time and money. Something most youth teams have little of.
You need the basics for your team to compete. It's extra to have nice uniforms and equipment that isn't years old and falling apart.
Give your kids the best chance to win with some decent equipment.

Monday, May 18, 2015

7 different behaviors of the most successful fundraisers

7 Different behaviors of the most successful fundraisers


1. Focus on one great fundraiser:

Don't do several small fundraisers. A bake sale raises $500 (that's being generous), a car wash raises $500 (generous again), selling ads for programs -$700 (how much work does this take? LOTS). You've just worked and planned for months and months and successfully raised under $2000. What would you do for a program that raises twice that in 2 weeks?

2. Don't waste team's time:

Carwashes for 40 cars @$10-$400 a whole Saturday gone.
Spend months and months selling cookie dough and hauling it around to make 25% is worthless.
Pick a major fundraiser that earns your group 70%, 80%, or 90%, so you are making most of what you sell. Which leads to my next point...

3. Bigger profit=less work:

 90% profit can take you 1/3 of time and energy of a 30% profit fundraiser.
You want to raise $10,000. 90% profit means you sell $11,000. 30% profit means you must sell $33,000!  If you can sell $33,000 worth of product, why not earn $30,000 instead of $10,000?

4. Deadline:

Most teams that set a deadline to get funds in, MEET the deadline. Be realistic, give your group enough time to meet the goal that is set. Deadlines are a great motivator. It gives everyone a aiming point. Some will finish the first couple of days you hand them the fundraiser, others will wait until the last minute. But NO ONE will do it if they aren't held to a standard.

5. Hold the TEAM responsible:

Let them know what the funds will do for the program. Get them to buy-in to the fundraiser being a great thing for the community. Keep putting your team's feet to the fire. Make them pay for items not returned or work off debt.

6. Be positive:

If you "can't" sell, then you will never sell. There is something to be said for an easy sell. Pick an item that is easily sold and stick to it. Keep talking up the product and the positive aspects of the product. There are always some that will have trouble, but they are only letting the negative comments of the few persuade them from getting the majority to buy-in.

7. Reward and Repeat:

Give your top sellers an award for being the best and encourage the next level personnel to step up their gams.
The best fundraisers will have supporters asking for more. Discount fundraiser cards will keep your supporters looking for fundraising cards every year. Most of our groups return to use us year after year because we have the great benefit of saving money for their buyers and making money for the team.

Contact us today for your Discount Fundraising Cards. You will make more money than you ever have with any fundraiser.
Thanks for your kind attention,
(423) 744-4547

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


5 reasons your team needs help

Do you have time to commit to another project? I don't. It takes an average of 80 hours to launch a new project or campaign. If you were to start a new project from scratch at your job, how long will it take? We have the resources, time, and motivation to get you what you need in a timely manner.

Most of us have the potential to do many things. We just may not have the ability. One of our customers recently wanted to try to do what we do for themselves to save some of the money on a project. It took them twice as long and in the end they didn't even produce 20% of the results that we provided them in half the time. Keep your skills in your area of expertise and accept help when needed.

Your full-time job is a great example of what you do great. No one can walk off the street into your job and perform as well as you without the skills you have. Don't ask the same of yourself. Which brings up the next point...

Professional athletes get paid what they do because there are limited number of people that can perform at the level they can. It's the same in any industry or business. Be great a one or two things, if you spend too much time trying to do something you are "o.k." at you might just suffer from the old saying: "Jack of all trades, Master of NONE!"

By handing the reigns over to a professional organization, you will be able to do what you do best while letting others perform their profession at the best of their ability while saving you time, frustration, and more than likely money... saves you time on your fundraising cards by taking a professional approach and expertise in the field of discount cards fundraising. We will provide you with the best experience on your discount card fundraiser that is available. Call or email Matt today for your FREE consultation: (423) 744-4547.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

5 Reasons 100% PROFIT is less than 80%

Why 100% is less than 80%...

A customer told me that he only wanted a fundraiser where he keeps 100% of the profits that his team raises. I saw one of his fundraising letters that was a donation request from team family members. I feel this is a great fundraiser for raising a couple hundred dollars, but what if you need thousands?
So, I will dispel the myth that 100% profits is more than other percentages, because usually it is not.

1. Keep going to the same well

We have the tendency to ask the same handful of people to donate to our cause or team. We look for them to come to our carwash, buy our baked goods, and give out of the kindness of their hearts. The problem is these individuals are only willing to give so much.

 2. $8,000 is more than $500

If you make 80% of $10,000, you keep $8,000... If you make 100% of $500, you keep $500. So why worry about where the money goes as long as you are making great profits. Also, why work so hard for so little...

3. It's what we've always done

A lot of groups raise money in the same pattern that they have for years if not decades. We've sold  raffle tickets around here for years. Do people beg you for next years raffle tickets 6 months in advance? Well, they beg for certain fundraisers that are not 100% but earn big MONEY!

4. We keep all of the profits

You keep all profits of every fundraiser. Whether it's 100% or 1% profit, you keep profits. Profits by definition are "the money you make" from any business venture. Keep your profits, just keep more profits by being smarter not working harder.

5. 100% of nothing is nothing...

When you ask the same group of people to donate to the same group of people for years upon years, you will begin to get burn-out. These folks will find other more beneficial ways to spend their donation dollars than to give it to your team that has nothing to show for it because you raise so little.
Remember the biggest money making companies in the world are only profiting 10-30%...

Set your goals high! has numerous partners that clear tens of thousands of dollars every fundraising season with our easy to sell Fundraising Cards. A Discount Card Fundraiser will bring your team the greatest profits you have ever seen. You will wish you had started doing a Discount Cards Fundraiser years ago when you realize how easy it is to earn thousands through the simple process. We will do all the work for you just watch our Discout Card Fundraisers video:

Reach us today to discuss how Discount Fundraiser Cards can make your group thousands more than you have ever raised with any other Fundraiser.
Call us today: (423) 744-4547